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About Our Org

Story About Us
Where it all began

Who are We?

          Issues related to child education (resource scarcity and lack of enthusiasm among the students) and climate change (flooding, erosion, drought) hit  rural areas and impoverished neighborhoods/villages  rural communities the most.  Our mission is to motivate students in those communities to study by rewarding the best students and planting trees (through environmental education programs) to reverse climate change impacts in the community. 


          Our program was established in 2015 to support and motivate students in elementary schools by rewarding the best students (top 3 to 5 students) in each class with school supplies kit to encourage intellectual competition in these rural areas. We also provide sport (soccer) materials to schools to promote sport and student’s well-being. Additionally, we provide support for school facilities rehabilitation, raising education awareness and planting trees for schools. 


1) Promoting Child Education


          We provide school supplies to the top 3 students in elementary schools in rural areas (currently 20 schools) to motivate students to study. This project covers on average 18 to 30 students per school. From 2015 to 2023, about 3150 students in 18 different rural communities have benefited from this project.


          School supplies kits that we provide include 200-page notebooks, 100-page notebooks, geometry (Math) kit, khaki fabric (for school uniform), pens, pencil pack, eraser, a box of colored pencils, plastic, and wooden rulers, chalkboard slate, chalk box, khaki notebook’s paper cover, plastic notebook cover, school bag, sportswear, reading books, math books, and sports (soccer) equipment.


          We work with teachers, student parents, and local authorities to engage the community for child education awareness. Here is the list of beneficiary schools in Plateaux district in Togo in our programs: EPP Konda, EPP Govié A, EPP Govié B (Hoémé), EPP Gbalédjé (Akpato), EPP Dougba, EPP Goudévé A, EPP Goudévé B, EPP Kponvié, EPP Agavé A, EPP Agavé B, EPC Aveho, EPP Tsavié , EPP Tutu, EPC Tutu, EPP Atimé, EPP Agou Adamé A, EPP Agou Adamé B, EPP Agou_Akplolo and EPC Agou_Akplolo and Govié’s middle-school.


2) Tree planting


          We plant trees for schools (2500 trees more per school). We have already planted more than 8 000 trees. Some of the early trees we planted are over 4 years old.


          The schools and communities provide the land and we plant trees for them. We have tree-planting technicians that help the schools and the communities to properly maintain the trees.


          The goal is to exploit the tree plantations (15 to 20 years from now) with the collaboration of the community. This would help to finance child education infrastructures (new school buildings, renovations, etc..) and other vital projects like public toilets in the communities. The fruit trees that we plant help fight hunger in the schools and the communities.

Tackling Child Education

Child education is is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, fostering sustainable development, and empowering children to achieve their dreams. Our efforts focus on fostering intellectual competition, improving school attendance, meeting basic learning needs, and environment protection.

Make Big Impact

We provide school supplies to top students, plant trees to protect the environment and combat hunger, and initiate sports activities for children’s physical and emotional health. Additionally, we renovate schools and upgrade equipment to improve educational infrastructure.

Unite The Society

Child education and environmental protection are essential for a brighter future. Together, we ensure every child receives quality education regardless of location, with involvement from community leaders, parents, educators, and policymakers. Let’s invest in rural children’s potential to foster a prosperous and equitable society.

Our Value

Community centers

Empowering Child Education and Fostering Community Engagement and Environmental Stewardship

Data-driven approach

Harnessing previous activities insights for Greater Impact

Focused support

Targeted Solutions for Lasting Change


Where the money goes

Habitat & Education Promotion organizes two projects to engage the communities in which we serve. We organize the school supplies program and the tree planting program. A high level distribution of how the money is used is shown in the bar charts to the right. The chart above relates to the school supplies project and the chart below relates to the tree planting project.

Find out more about how Habitat & Education Promotion works hard to ensure that your donations are delivered directly to those that need it most.

History About Us

This project was born from a personal experience of the founder Mr. Kodjo Drofenou. During the 1995-1996 school year, while he was just a child at the Kpélé Govié’s elementary school in Govié, Togo (West Africa), he experienced a historic moment. That year, a group of university students from the local community (Mr. Komi Kpatcha, Mr. Marcel Modjinou and others) donated school supplies to the best students in each class of the school.

Like in most rural and disadvantaged communities, it is hard to explain to children why education is important because all their surroundings, people and nature, send direct and indirect signals that soon or later convince them that survival skills are more important than academia education. At that time, Mr. Kodjo and his friends always competed, but not for school matters. They compete to climb the highest fruit trees (mango, orange, coconut) and of course the fruits are their rewards. They also play soccer, sometimes all day long.

Mr. Kodjo and his friends, who were not qualified to receive the first edition’s awards of the program, had launched an internal competition to see who would first receive this award in their group. This challenge allowed them to achieve excellent academic results year after years. They experienced this intellectual competition as a historic turning point in their schooling journey and that helped them to achieve lifetime goals.

Twenty (20) years later, Mr. Kodjo Drofenou decided to initiate and institute this project to promote education and the preservation of the environment in rural areas. Every child competes, from personal experience, this is a great way to channel that competitiveness at an early age toward education to develop these rural and disadvantaged communities in the long-term.

Thus, since July 2015, this program covers 19 schools and benefits 20 to 30 students per school. We also plant trees for the beneficiary schools to protect the community against climate change and to fight hunger (fruit trees). The economic impacts of the tree planting project can help to finance major infrastructures in the community like school buildings or public toilets in the long-term.


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